Choosing 2:1 in a 1:1 Classroom

Bloomington Public Schools maintains a 1:1 student to Chromebook ratio in grades 3-12 to provide equal access to learning materials at school and at home. This access to technology provides teachers the opportunity to use many different student to computer ratios, including the 2:1 ratio. Having two students share one device has been shown to increase social aptitude, teamwork, communication proficiency, critical thinking skills, and students’ confidence.

Here’s one way to do it:

  1. Pair up students and have one put their device away. 
  2. To ensure equal participation and sustained engagement, assign each student a role: Navigator, Driver 
  3. Clearly explain the expectations for each role 
    • Navigator: Does not touch Chromebook, directs the Driver what to do, keeps track of the plan or goal, looks for mistakes or errors. 
    • Driver: The only one to touch the keyboard/mouse, executes the plan decided upon by themselves and the Navigator 
  4. Driver and Navigator switch roles when the teacher indicates, every 3-5 minutes is recommended. The frequent switching of roles is critical in keeping both students actively engaged. 
    • Teacher tip: To hold students accountable for fulfilling their role duties, make sure it is always clear which student is currently holding which job (ex: the student closest to the door is the Driver, the student closest to teacher’s desk is Navigator. Students switch seats when they switch roles so the teacher can easily identify who is supposed to be doing what.) 
If students are used to using their own device and working independently it can be hard to introduce this collaborative 2:1 ratio. Don’t be surprised if students resist the idea initially. The more the strategy is used and the more normalized it becomes, the more effective the strategy will be.



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